Forum Discussion

chathurad's avatar
6 years ago

How to validate the 1st character of a responce data set

In my resonce i have to check the responce text is starting with letter "D"

Is there any way to do this.So far i have able to get the entire 1st responce,But my gall is to validate whether the 1st  responce text is starting with letter "D".

  • I was able to do this by:

    def slurper = new JsonSlurper()
    def json = slurper.parseText response
    String countryList = json.result.values[0]
    def aa =countryList.take(1)

  • I was able to do this by:

    def slurper = new JsonSlurper()
    def json = slurper.parseText response
    String countryList = json.result.values[0]
    def aa =countryList.take(1)