How to read test case custom properties value in query parameter in SOUPUI.
In Test Case Custom Properties I have Field "Id" with Value "AGSKH152639RFA".
In SOUPUI when whn we are preparing request if we select Style as template then we can read Test case Custom Properties Value by using ${#TestCase#Id}.
But when we select Style as Query In that Case Id is not replaced with stored value it is printing as it is ${#TestCase#Id}.
My question is how can we read custom properties value in query parameter?
I dont want to do manually like copy the value from custom properties field and paste in query parameter because here every time new id will generate.
here i am reading Id value from another response and stored in testcase custom properties and passing this Id in another request.
You can export test results (go to reports > test execution results (list) > run the report and top right-hand corner should be an export dataset to Excel option. I don't think it's possible to update execution results by import but you can do that using the API. Here are some links that might help further:
Importing by Excel - note that there is no field for results:
Import Test Cases From CSV | Zephyr Scale Server/Data Center Documentation (
ZC Server API:
Zephyr Scale Server API (v1) (
I think the end-point you need is: /testrun/{testRunKey}/testcase/{testCaseKey}/testresult
(info: a testrun is a test cycle)