Forum Discussion

dragomirlam's avatar
9 years ago

How to create a dynamic REST Mock Service in SoapUI?



I am trying to create a dynamic REST Mock Service using SoapUI, which will be able to read data from a file on GET requests and write on a file on PUT, POST, DELETE requests.


I have created a new REST Project and under that I have a created a New REST MockService.

Under the  REST MockService I would like to have all my http methods such as GET, PUT, DELETE and POST requets.

I have created a GET request to this endpoint /orders, which give as a response a predefined json object.


I would like the REST MockService to be able to read/write from files, when I am sending http requests, so I can use it in a dynamic way.

Is it possible to manage to do that using the free version of SoapUI?

I would really appreciate it if someone could propose me online tutorials that I could use as a guideline.


Thanks in advance!

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