Forum Discussion

vignesh2006n's avatar
New Contributor
9 years ago

How do I search within the nested node value using SOAPUI request?



The SOAP output has a nested node with a few sub nodes. I need to search for a particular sub node value using a SOAP request. Is that possible and if so, can you please assist me out.

My SOAP response is in the following format:












I need to search for child2 value in my soap request using something like the below:



Kindly assist on how I can achieve the same.




  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 2

    can you try with below xpath in Xpath Assertion?

    # Use declaration of namespaces in that assertion.


    exists(//ns5:parent/ns1:child2[. = 'test2']) and expected value should be true



    • vignesh2006n's avatar
      New Contributor



      I was able to achieve it using the below piece of code :



      Now if I want to search based on an OR condition to check if the country is US or the phone number which is an independent tag itself is "xxx-xxxx" then how will I be able to achieve that? Could you kindly assist.

