Hey rpetrick
I can't help retrieving the changes - unless you have a backup saved....but you could change the 'Autosave interval' option within the UI Settings within the Preferences to something <>0 - then your changes will get saved - although the autosave occurring might hinder your work slightly.
I did notice a while back that my changes weren't being saved in certain circumstances.
I'd edit a field, click Save, tab out/move the mouse to another screen object and carry on working. When I came back sometime later, I'd notice the change I thought I'd saved hadn't saved after all.
I noticed that if I edited a field, clicked out of the field so my mouse focus moved elsewhere -and THEN saved - the change was saved successfully. If I edited a field and clicked save whilst my mouse focus was still on the original object - the save wouldn't happen.
to get around the above, I updated my autosave interval and started moving my mouse focus into another field (after making a change in the original field) and then hitting save (when I wanted to manually save a change).
It's not perfect - but that's what I did and still do and I haven't lost work since.
Oh - 1 more thing - I'm currently working with SoapUI in a Unix VM and the available RAM just leaks over time (standard UNIX) until I run out of resource. I've noticed that when the RAM usage is close to maxed out (maybe 1.5Gigs remaining) SoapUI's save doesn't always work. I suppose you can minimise this with less projects in your workspace and smaller projects - I'm guessing the whole .xml project file has to be parsed each time the save is selected - so - just a warning about keep an eye on your available resourcing - cos that keeps catching me out at the moment!