Forum Discussion

nmrao's avatar
Champion Level 3
8 years ago

Docker Image for SoapUI 5.2.1



Hearing a lot about docker these days.


On the trials, happened to create an image for SoapUI 5.2.1.


For those interested, want to give it a shot?


docker pull nmrao/soapui521


Happy to see feedback

  • chowzenwan's avatar
    New Contributor



    Im new around docker and SOAPUI, where I can read more on how to use SOAPUI in docker?





    • nmrao's avatar
      Champion Level 3
      What is the issue that you face?
      • chowzenwan's avatar
        New Contributor



        Im on linux using a docker image of ngnex and php 7 and running my application over that locally

        What im trying to do is my application works with serveral webservice, what im trying to achive its to mock the webservices on my local. I do it on SOUPUI and my soapmock or restmock works perfect but, from docker i cant see it. I tried to config the image host on ngnex but still did not work. so from the browser i can see my mocks but from my application i cant.


        Thats my issue :(

  • Could I know it is windows image or linux image? I guess java/soapui are already installed into this docker. Thanks.

  • softwaretester's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    hi can you please post your docker file, i am using below docker file(attached here) but i am getting error when i try to run soapui script from docker container.

    please check below error:

    root@59d67b44ca6f:/opt/soapui/projects# sh /opt/soapui/projects/ -s"test suite" -r -f/opt/soapui/reports/ /opt/soapui/projects/soapui-test-script.xml
    Error: Could not find or load main class

    SOAPUI_HOME = /opt/soapui

    Error: Could not find or load main class