Forum Discussion

srinivasmmdl's avatar
Occasional Visitor
8 years ago

Currently I am using SOAP UI 3.5 for my unit test cases

Currently I am using SOAP UI 3.5 for my unit test and now I wanted to use the same version for Data Driven Tests.

Is this version has support for this feature(reading test cases from a file(txt,csv..etc)) or I need to go for SOAP UI PRO?



2 Replies

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Is 3.5 really? current version is 5.3.

    Data driven feature is supported out-of-the-box if you using ReadyAPI.

    However, you can achieve the same if in open source edition. It is just that you need to write the code to handle. You should be able to find some samples in the internet.
    • sanj's avatar
      Super Contributor

      Agree need to use READY API or look up workaround on the net


      BTW soap ui open source is at 5.3.0 now