Command-Line Arguments: P : Specifies a value of a project property for the test run.
I created a batch file using 'Launch TestRunner' feature. Batch file works fine as long as if I do not override Command-Line Arguments: P (Specifies a value of a project property for the test run).
I am using java keystore token in my batch file, if I override token property value batch file execution fails. As I've to use different token for each client, need to override token property value in the batch file, but it fails.
Question: How to override keystore token properties, would appreciate if you can suggest.
Below is my batch file:
C:\<path>\SoapUI-5.1.3\bin\testrunner.bat -e http://qv1medccwsweb1/cashcard-ws-v1_0/soap/cashcard -sHealthTestSuite -r -a -j -f"C:\Program Files (x86)\<path>" -M -PclientAccountCode=CTI01 -Ptoken=cLok1ub+8rmSGGPLXC6lg4txfEExHsod5m7PSEBaEs7UYlEOoDMs3Wn/Ig3nSz16cXa9TrmIJHkueMQJIvZ3a3XPj5aqeOEyN7GbiwezxdnlUdVJmG7KY50rohUqtBXj/wdW4E22sTrqe7+3IxzYuTzyNFkjTaIAUC4FrvhWGGvPpUrLHXxpQoVhYGLlq55QNG+1/FH92Ysfa19HYhMLrrOUj2J1BQdSPb/N4L3veNbGc34ojNeIn0ZGUa0U0zDeliNMONKcgVAEK9b4nsgvk8rjo2pgixwae6G/mnnD1vjJrgOF9HCDER7Sq6VKnXP+SYZ041H5KtNBNOmcbx9b0A== -Pclient.keystore.location=C://clientkeystore.jks -Pclient.keystore.password=<password>-Pclient.keystore.alias=CareingtonCashcard -Pclient.keystore.keypassword=<password>-tC:\soapui-settings.xml -i C:\Users\v1_0-soapui-project.xml