change name cms
I had Bo 3.1 installed on server A. then on the same server I migrated Bo 3 to Bo 4.2 sp7. following a tomcat error, access to Bo 4 did not work. I installed the same Bo 4.2 sp7 in an external vm then I copied the tomcat generated in this vm on server A. => with this new tomcat, access to Bo 4 worked correctly in server A.
when I was testing access to Bo 4 with the new tomcat => he systematically gave me the name of the Cms of the external vm (Cms_B) and not that of Bo 4 of server A (Cms_A). I therefore put the (Cms_A) in the "Sytem" field on the Bo 4 login page => and the access to Bo 4 went well. in all file which is in (\ tomcat \ webapps \ BOE \ WEB-INF \ config \ default) I replaced the name (Cms_B) by (Cms_A).
I created a query with "Query As a Web Services" then I imported this query into an API reader called "Soap UI". the import does not work because this tool finds the name of the cms of the external vm (Cms_B) and not the name of the Cms of Bo 4 of server A (Cms_A).
how, at the level of "Soap Ui", I can change the name (Cms_B) by (Cms_A)?
thanks in advance