9 years agoFrequent Contributor
Automate REST api using TC
- In SoapUI, Do I need to generate my TestSuite at the end of my work? or I can generate one and just work in that area?
- As I understood, I could verify all my testcases in SoapUI using assertions but in the automated way of it, how do I verify that the test case passed ?
- As I understood, once I created my whole testsuite, there would be .XML file of my project that I need to integrate with TC. I was able to create a ReadyAPI object in TC, but I don't understand where or how to check if the test case is valid. Should I verify that in SoapUI or in TC or both ?
- Basically in my automation, I need to verify my test cases 1 by 1, how do I do that in SoapUI ? example: I have 4 testcases for POST, but I need to verify them 1 by 1 because my code in TC would also verify the other end of the software against the POST and check if it really posted something, if yes then my test is a PASS.
Thank you much