Using the command .getPropertyValue('Request') loads the XML request but not the placeholder data
I am using the .getPropertyValue('Request') method to collect the XML request from the SOAP request test step, but the problem is that the SOAP request contains a number of placeholders like so:
<udidi:identifier> <commondevice:DICode>${#TestSuite#UDI_CODE_AND_BLOCKS}</commondevice:DICode> <commondevice:issuingEntityCode>${#TestSuite#ISSUING_ENTITY_UDI_DI}</commondevice:issuingEntityCode> </udidi:identifier>
And when getting the request using this method the placeholders are not populated with their appropriate data, but instead just the placeholders are presented instead of the data.
I am using this method because I am triggering the scripts from another script.
If I use my usual method of this:
context.expand( '${MASTER_REQUEST_CONTAINER#Request}' )
Then the placeholders are loaded correctly, but when calling the script from another script , this method returns a null.
Is the any way to get the placeholders to be populated by their appropriate data using the .getPropertyValue method or similar method?