Forum Discussion

Jcorwin's avatar
Occasional Contributor
12 years ago

Testcases Linked to automation

I have installed and created the bridge between TestComplete and QAComplete.  I have created a sample project with a Keyword Automation test and when I run it from TestComplete I CAN see the results in QAComplete. I have a couple questions around items that aren't obvious to me:

We have invested time in creating and running tests manually before automating.  I want to reference those same manual tests as now automated.  It seems that there is no way to 'Link' those manual tests to the piece of automation that supports it.   Am I missing something?

I assumed that if linked, that manual test would then be automatically passed / failed when the automation was run, I see no way to make this work?  The rational of course is that manual ( now automated) testcase would completely define what the automation is doing.


Any insight would be appreciated.



  • curtis_malasky's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
      Hey Jeff,

      I opened a support ticket inquiring about the same on in Dec 2011.

      We found that the automated testing bridge didn't really add any value. We report on the automated executions via an in-house tool. This does mean we're using QAComplete less and less as we implement more automation. 


      Smartbear responded:

    > Currently they two are completely different and separate. We are looking into some more robust traceability and reporting with a QACloud project that's coming up. I think you'll be able to link automated tests to requirements to view coverage. Not sure if that's exactly what you are looking for.

  • Jcorwin's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Thanks Curtis!   So if I understand this, the methods to determine 'what' the automation is doing are (A) talk to the person that wrote it (B) look at the code / keyword test individually?   This seems to be a pretty large gap in functionality.  The marketing documents talk about automating manual tests which is a great idea, little did we know the two artifacts know nothing about each other.  To answer the support persons question, no this doesn't help.  I don't need a fancy cloud solution for the simple task of passing or failing a manual test case when a piece of automation runs.  You guys just need to write a plugin which allows automation and testcases to know about each other, AND it needs to update pass / fail information.  I'd imagine your devs could make something like that happen pretty quickly.  This is pretty disappointing.
  • curtis_malasky's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Jeff.. I'd definitely open a support ticket requesting what you just said.. I'm fairly sure that nobody from SmartBear monitors these forums.

    The impressions I got was that SmartBear treats manual and automated tests are completely separate entities. some companies would agree, your and mine surely don't.

  • Jcorwin's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Thanks Curtis, I'll do that.  Appreciate the feedback.
  • Anonymous's avatar

    thank you for your feedback. 

    At present, we have two projects going on with the goal to improve or replace the way of integration of our automated testing tools and QAComplete. 

    We understand that while the existing TestComplete bridge offers some value, it falls short of what most of TestComplete users that utilize extensive automation, need for reporting and testcase management purposes.

    Would you be open to a phone converstation so that we better understand the details of how you run your automation and what specific capabilities you would expect from the upgraded connector?

    Please feel free to email me directly at

    sergei dot sokolov at smartbear dot com