Forum Discussion

wanda_rogers's avatar
New Contributor
14 years ago

Suggestions for estimates

We are trying to find the best way to collect estimates from multiple people (dev, QA, doc, etc) for a specific requirement.  We had thought that we would be able to add tasks under each requirement for the individual things that needed estimating and then assign the task to an individual for them to enter their estimates.  However it appears this does not work as we anticipated.  I can add the tasks but even after assigning them the estimate field in the task is not editable.  This was done at the project plan level.  I then tried adding the tasks at the requirement level and here I was able to edit the estimate field in the task but it did not appear that this populated anywhere else in the requirement or project plan.  I'm open to suggestions on what would be the best way to accomplish this.  Basically here is what we are trying to do.

We have a project plan with multiple requirements.

These requirements are populated in the requirement section also.

Each requirement requires an estimate from multiple people for the different areas of work to be done.

We would like to be able to assign these out through software planner to multiple people at the same time to collect the estimates.
  • Hi Wanda -

    When you say the tasks are not editable, is that on the Project Plan or on the Tasks tab on the Requirement? Either way, your team members should be able to update the Estimated Hours, and then the Tasks will roll up both on the Requirement and on the Project Plan.

    You can split a Requirement into multiple Tasks either on the Project Plan or the Requirements Task tab. Each task can be assigned to a team member.

    If you are working from the Project Plan, just add a Project Plan Task and link the Requirement to it. Then under that task, add some sub-tasks - when you indent them, they are automatically linked to the Requirement above. Assign the tasks and your team members can put their estimates on the task. When you save the Project Plan, the hours on the task are added up and posted to the Requirement.

    The same thing should happen when you work from the Requirement; on the Tasks tab, you can add Tasks, select the Project Plan and location for the tasks. The estimates on the tasks get rolled up to the Requirement and to the Project Plan.

    If that's not what's going on, then maybe we need to talk to the Support Team so we can look at your specific Project Plan and Requirements.


  • Thank you!  We didn't have them linked so that is part of our problem, but we had not planned on having most team members with access to update the project plan.  What permissions do they need to be able to enter their estimates for the task assigned?
  • There are two layers of security for Project Plan Tasks.

    The first is in Setup / Security for the Security Group - look for the Project Plans section and grant them at least read/update.

    Then over in Project Management, you'll see "Manage Security Rights" for the Project Plan. They will need to View and Update tasks for any Project Plan where they might have assignments.

    Let me know if this helps!