Forum Discussion

thomas_brossama_1's avatar
11 years ago

Run/Schedule automated tests with QAComplete towards remote machines


In my setup, I have Testcomplete installed on a Test Controller machine. All the TC projects and automated Keyword tests are also stored on this machine in a shared folder.

There are also several remote Test client machines (physical and VM) where TestExecute is installed only.

Today I am able to run distributed tests between the Test Controller and the remote Test clients and retrieve test results.

Now I would like to schedule and run those automated tests from QAComplete (SaaS).

I am able to start the automated schedule for all the projects I have stored under the Test Controller. Those tests are only executed on the Test Controller whereas I have created network suites to be possible to run them on remote machines.

Therefore, I would like to know, how should I configure QAComplete ( maybe also TestComplete or TestExecute) in order to be able to run those automated tests not only on the Test Controller but also towards the remote machines with QAComplete?

I am not sure about how this is working here. Should I tell QAComplete to use TestComplete to execute the tests on remote machines, or I can bypass TestComplete and run directly towards the remote machines (NB: the TC projects are already saved on the remote machines)?

What I don t understand as well, is why I can t see the remote machines in QAComplete?

Could you please help me out here?

Thank you advance

Thomas Brossamain
  • Hi again,

    Anyone here to shed some light about scheduling automated tests towards TestExecute machine via QAComplete?

    Thnak you
  • Hi again,

    After discussing with the customer support, simply, for each remote machine install the Automated Testing Bridge executable whether you have TestExecute or TestComplete installed.

    Therefore when configuring the bridge, the drop down list at the bottom "Run with" display the automation tool you have installed on the machine (TestExecute or TestComplete)

    Leave some time for QACompelte to register the machine, and then go to Software Planner website, and find the remote host recently registered when create automated scheduled test.

    Enjoy ;-)