Forum Discussion

felixpila's avatar
Regular Visitor
7 years ago

QA Complete How to get rid of duplicate tests part of Test Set when viewing from Run History

A Test Run was In Progress when we realized few Tests in Test Library had not been added to the Test Set. Then we went to the Test Set and clicked on Add or Edit Tests and Added the missing Tests to the Test Set. Clicked on Save and got the prompt to confirm whether to Update the Tests to the Active Run. Clicked on Yes to confirm adding the newly added Tests. Then when we went to Run history noticed there are duplicate tests appearing in the test set which had already been executed. Now there is no delete option inside the Test Run remove these duplicate tests. Can someone help with below?

1. How to get rid of the Additional Tests that somehow are added to the Test Run Again and in In Queue status

2. How to make sure next time when adding selected tests that only those are update din the Active Test Run instead of some additional tests which seems to be the case

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