7 years agoOccasional Visitor
Getting page source by Python + Selenium not works, association declined?
By using selenium i am trying to get page source. my code is given below
#!/usr/bin/env python from selenium import webdriver browser = webdriver.Firefox()browser.get('')html_source = browser.page_source print html_source
When I run the content, it opens program however nothing happens. When I'm holding up without doing anything it tosses "Association can't", after around 15 seconds.
On the off chance that I enter the deliver and go to the site, nothing happens as well.
For what reason doesn't it work? Content looks great as I would like to think and it should work
I'm doing it since I have to get page source after JS contents are executed and I speculate that it should be possible by Selenium.
Or on the other hand perhaps you know some other approaches to get page source after JavaScript is stacked?
Thank and Regards,