Forum Discussion

Sam2's avatar
New Member
2 years ago

File Upload function is not working as expected and I followed loadninja documentation

Hi Loadninja Experts,


I have test scenario where I should upload Json files and I used UI test to do this and followed your documentation: Upload Files | LoadNinja Documentation (  as per you doc I suppose to select a file in a dialog box but when I click on upload button, I don't see dialog box on my machine to upload [I can see dialog box without recording]. So, I have chosen Add > File Upload method and it did work while I record but when I was trying to do Replace step [click on that step] loadNinja screen becomes plain white screen[attcahed] . 

Please guide me if I'm doing something wrong. This is the first time I'm using LoadNinja tool. 


Below Im providing HTML element for file upload: 

<input class="dndFile" type="file" name="files[]" id="upFiles" data-multiple-caption="{count} files selected" multiple="">




  • Hello Sam2,


    We are glad that you have decided to use and test our tool.


    The dialog box to upload a file is only available during the active recording session, as only then we are able to identify and find the upload buttons, and then you are able to upload files. Unfortunately, currently, there is an issue reported by one of our users that makes a screen blank the upload is in the script. We are working on this to fix this issue as soon as possible. 

    You can create a case with LoadNinja to get an update as soon as the issue is fixed -



    • Mubbashshir's avatar
      New Contributor

      Hi Tom, 


      Is this issue not fixed yet. I am also facing the same problem, I am unable to record file upload scenario. And when I  playback it is displaying whitescreen.  I have logged a case number: #00533605. Can you please keep me updated.

      with regards,


  • Mubbashshir's avatar
    New Contributor

    Hi Sam2, 


    Is the issue resolved for you now. 

    with regards,


  • Hi Mubbashshir,


    I have replied to you in case #00533605. We are working to fix this issue.


    I will update you in the case when I have more details.

