Forum Discussion

WesleyG's avatar
Occasional Contributor
9 years ago

Monitoring Results Over Time

I was wondering if there is a way to compare test results over time? I know you can compare two test results, but is there a way to compare more than two? I have tests that I want to run occasionally and I want to compare the results (mostly page load times). 


I thought about using some sort of analytics tool. I'm assuming it would work but that takes time to set up and I don't know if it would give me the results that I want. What would be nice is to have some tool that can compare a lot of tests together. 


Here is what I would like to be able to do:

Run load tests

Make changes to the application

Run load tests again

Make changes to the application

Run load tests again


Then I would like to have some way to view all of the test results together and compare page load times without going into each test result and comparing the page load times manually. If I were to run 10 tests at a time, it could end up taking a long time to go into each test result, record page load times, and then compare them to other test results. 


Maybe an analytics tool would be the best way to do it? Other than that the only way I can think of doing it is manually going into each test and comparing test results, or using the LoadComplete Compare Results function and compare two tests at a time.

2 Replies

    • WesleyG's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Thanks for the reply!


      That's probably what I am going to end up doing, although I can't seem to find an analytics tool that I like. Oh well, I'm sure I'll find something eventually. Thanks again for the help.