Forum Discussion

zzzzz's avatar
New Contributor
9 years ago

Can not add server host for Counter monitoring.

Struggling to resolve this issue. Trying to Add Counters through Counter dialog. Getting the same Message over and over again(see Attached). What is quite funny(or not) is that it worked until a week ago:(

Have checked these pages but haven't come any further in solving this. (since its a Windows server).

Any suggestion on what might have caused this issue?


Kind regards

  • baxatob's avatar
    Community Hero



    Please go through this checklist >>


    I have had the same issue, and the reason was that our sysadmins made changes in the group policy on the testing servers.

    Also there are another possible factors to raise this error.

    • zzzzz's avatar
      New Contributor

      Hey Boxatob,


      Thanx for the reply. We have seen through the checklist several times the last week and cant find anything.

      What other possible factor/factors are you refearring to¨?





      • baxatob's avatar
        Community Hero

        I meant another requirements in the checklist besides the group policy.