Forum Discussion

mslisamarie's avatar
Occasional Contributor
3 years ago

Error when running DataTables in Cucumber 7.0.0


I have stumbled upon many issues regarding my Cucumber Uplift to version 7.0.0 and I cannot seem to find a solution for this error:

Can't convert DataTable to List<Map<class java.lang.String,class java.lang.String>>. You have to write the conversion for it in this method.

 I cannot add the code here since its confidential but do you know how to solve this issue? The method uses DataTableWrapper and from what I have read the issue should be solved by changing getMaps to getLists but that does not work for me.

All kinds of help would be greatly appreciated! 


Best Regards

Lisa Marie


  • The problem has been solved. If someone stumbles upon the same issue as me the asMaps should be changed to asEntries

1 Reply

  • mslisamarie's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    The problem has been solved. If someone stumbles upon the same issue as me the asMaps should be changed to asEntries