[cucumber cpp] building error in windows 10 Visual studio 2019,google test 1.10,Boost 1.73
I try to build cucumber-cpp in my windows10 platform and facing issue(ruby 2.6.6p146). Here the steps I have followed.
1. built google test(first cmake then opened solution in visual studio and built it) and boost library separately.
cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="C:\Users\insp1\googletest-distribution" -Dgtest_force_shared_crt=on
2. cloned the cucumber-cpp from git build the 3rdparty/json_spirit and src folder cy command
cmake -DBOOST_ROOT="C:/Users/insp1/boost_1_73_0" -DGMOCK_ROOT="C:/Users/insp1/googletest" -DGTEST_ROOT="*C:/Users/insp1/googletest"
3.build cucumber-cpp
cmake -DBOOST_ROOT="C:/Users/insp1/boost_1_73_0" -DGMOCK_ROOT="C:/Users/insp1/googletest" -DGTEST_ROOT="*C:/Users/insp1/googletest"
4. when trying to compile the generated solution gtest library linking error. After solving those manually
I am still getting lots of boost and gtest mismatch error.
Like to know have anybody tried these combinations and is it working for them?
Or something I am doing wrong?