Forum Discussion

dhumeniuk's avatar
14 years ago

Viewing differences for files that were moved and modified (SVN)

When I try to post a change where I both moved a file and modified it, it only shows up as a new file.

Is there a way for CodeCollaborator to show the differences instead?

I'm using CC 6.1.6102 and used the GUI client to do a SVN diff by revision.

Even if I have to do something manually to make this happen I would like to know.  For instance, is there a way to compare 2 different folders on my computer (where I manually move the files to be in the same relative paths)?
  • Anonymous's avatar
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

    Sorry, the only way to see the differences in this case would be to break the 'move and modify' into two different steps: move the file into the new place, send that version to collab, then modify the file in its new place and send that file to collab.

  • pglaubitz's avatar
    Regular Visitor
    A mechanism to say "The file I just uploaded is the next version of one already in the review" would help with a few situations which we run into.

    The first is the moderator sets up a review and uploads files from RTC.  The author applies the incoming comments. If the root of the project is different, the full path is used, and these updated files appear as "New". The other way out of this would be to store the path relative to the base of the project.

    The first is the moderator sets up a review and uploads files from RTC. 
    The author applies the incoming comments, uploads via the Web interface, no path is used, and  these updated files
    appear as "New".

    During the review a file isn't named per the standard and needs to be renamed.

    Config info:

    CC Server 6.5.6502


    RTC plugin 6.0.6016