Smartbear v9.0 JSON - Obtaining Email for a userId
I am working on a tool that identifies the list of reviews that are due for the day using a custom webservice developed in-house by my organisation. It basically pulls all the relevant review details like reviewID, authors, reviewers, observers,deadline and so. I want to obtain the email address of users who have a review deadline on a particular day to remind them of that. I checked the javadoc provided in the server. Here is my sample code
[{"command" : "SessionService.getLoginTicket",
{"command" : "SessionService.authenticate",
{"command" : "UserInfo.getEmail",
But i get a message saying that UserInfo.getEmail() is a invalid command. I supply, authorName available in the review as input to UserInfo.getEmail() method
Here is my question:
1) Is this formatting of REST request correct.If not, what is the correct form to format the request
2)Do i need any smartbear jars for this to integrate it into my javacode eventhough this being a RESTful api?
Thanks in advance.
Note: I am a noob when it comes to REST