Forum Discussion

jaffamonkey's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

The mDNS query for an attached iOS device failed (iOS)

Using Flutter Gherkin (1.1.9), I get this error when trying to run tests on Bitbar.  Same code runs fine locally on PC/Mac, and on BitBar, the Android tests run through fine.  This is just issue from the BitBar iOS platform.  I know the IPA installs ok on device, as I can see it using "Live view" during tests.  I also know for a fact (from BitBar) that devices I was using do have setting on personal hotspot "Disable unless needed". Any ideas?  Tests run without using Flutter Gherkin run ok, but of course we have requirement for the Gherkin bit 🙂



[ +208 ms] Process 286 detached
[ +43 ms] Application launched on the device. Waiting for observatory port.
[ +60 ms] Attempting to forward device port 50868 to host port 50061
[ +6 ms] executing: /opt/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/usbmuxd/iproxy 50061:50868 --udid 00008020-000924383CF2002E
[+1070 ms] Forwarded port ForwardedPort HOST:50061 to DEVICE:50868
[ +59 ms] HttpException: , uri = http://localhost:50061/ws
[+2031 ms] HttpException: , uri = http://localhost:50061/ws
[+2015 ms] HttpException: , uri = http://localhost:50061/ws
[+2013 ms] HttpException: , uri = http://localhost:50061/ws
[+2032 ms] HttpException: , uri = http://localhost:50061/ws
[+2003 ms] Failed to connect directly, falling back to mDNS
[ +7 ms] Checking for advertised Dart observatories...
[+5031 ms] No pointer records found.
[ +2 ms] mDNS query failed. Checking for an interface with a ipv4 link local address.
[ +7 ms] Found interface "en0":
[ +1 ms] Bound address: ""
[ +1 ms] The mDNS query for an attached iOS device failed. It may be necessary to disable the "Personal Hotspot" on the device, and to ensure that the "Disable unless needed" setting is unchecked under System Preferences > Network > iPhone USB. See for details.
[ ] Failed to connect with mDNS, falling back to log scanning

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