Forum Discussion

jf's avatar
New Contributor
12 years ago

Floating license upgrade from v7 to v8


I am about to upgrade the floating license on our license server.  It says it will deactivate the previous license.

If I go ahead, will users have to upgrade to v8.0 or will they still be able to run older versions (7.X)?

Thank you!
  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)



    Actually, v.8 and v. 7 licenses don't affect each other. It means that you can have two product versions activated on your computer while you are migrating your tests.


  • jf's avatar
    New Contributor
    Hello Tanya,

    That's not what the message I get says.  It clearly says:

    "One license server cannot hold multiple keys for the same product. ... The new license key will replace the existing one."

    So I guess I would need to install the v8 license key on another server so users have time to move to the new version?

    See include clip showing the message I get.

  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)



    You'd better contact our Support team to resolve this issue. 

    Actually, if you get this message, it means that AQtime 8 is already activated on this computer. Do you have several keys in your account for this product? As you are using a Floating User license, they can be merged. Our Support team can assist you with this.