15 years ago
AQTime 7 Pro Trial does not start. Generate EOleException
Hi, i download AQTime 7 Pro and installed..
1,2 profiling ok. but later such continuous.
CPU Intel 7
RAM : 6 GB
Video Card : ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series
HDD : 1 Terabyte * 2 and 500 GB SATA
This error created DELPHI 2007
EurekaLog 6.0.24
2.1 Date : Tue, 26 Oct 2010 20:27:03 +0300
2.2 Address : 055B9C26
2.3 Module Name : AQtime7BDS5.bpl - (AutomatedQA AQtime CodeGear Integration Package)
2.4 Module Version: 7.0.318.86
2.5 Type : EOleException
2.6 Message : Bu işlemi tamamlamak için kullanılabilecek yeterli depolama alanı yok. (no memory for this operation etc.)
2.7 ID : 8306
2.8 Count : 1
2.9 Status : New
2.10 Note :
Active Controls:
4.1 Form Class : TAppBuilder
4.2 Form Text : DemoProject- CodeGear Delphi for Microsoft Windows - AQtimeModule10.aqt
4.3 Control Class: Edit
4.4 Control Text :
5.2 Total Memory : 3063 Mb
5.3 Free Memory : 1730 Mb
5.4 Total Disk : 72,12 Gb
5.5 Free Disk : 3,37 Gb
5.6 System Up Time: 1 hour, 53 minutes, 33 seconds
5.7 Processor : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz
5.8 Display Mode : 1920 x 1200, 32 bit
5.9 Display DPI : 96
5.10 Video Card : ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series (driver 8.762.0.0 - RAM 1024 MB)
5.11 Printer : Microsoft XPS Document Writer (driver 6.0.6000.16438)
Operating System:
6.1 Type : Microsoft Windows XP
6.2 Build # : 2600
6.3 Update : Service Pack 3
6.4 Language: Turkish
6.5 Charset : 162
Call Stack Information:
|Address |Module |Unit |Class |Procedure/Method |Line |
|Running Thread: ID=4200; Priority=0; Class=; [Main] |
|055AEB9A|AQtime7BDS5.bpl |Aqsyncedit.pas | |StartDebugger | |
|7C8F3247|ntdll.dll | | |RtlConvertUlongToLargeInteger| |
|7C8F10E0|ntdll.dll | | |RtlLeaveCriticalSection | |
|7C902CF9|ntdll.dll | | |LdrUnlockLoaderLock | |
|7C8FE465|ntdll.dll | | |KiUserApcDispatcher | |
|7C902F9E|ntdll.dll | | |RtlValidSid | |
|7C8F20F5|ntdll.dll | | |memmove | |
|7C904F62|ntdll.dll | | |RtlAppendUnicodeToString | |
|77F643CB|SHLWAPI.dll | | |SHRegGetValueW | |
|77F643D8|SHLWAPI.dll | | |SHRegGetValueW | |
|7C8097D0|kernel32.dll | | |GetCurrentThreadId | |
|05021606|exceptiondiag100.bpl|SysInit.pas | |_GetTls |377[23] |
|050215D0|exceptiondiag100.bpl|SysInit.pas | |_GetTls |354[0] |
|05066B95|exceptiondiag100.bpl|JclSynch.pas |TJclMultiReadExclusiveWrite|ReleaseWaiters |1084[6] |
|05066BFF|exceptiondiag100.bpl|JclSynch.pas |TJclMultiReadExclusiveWrite|ReleaseWaiters |1121[43] |
|2000A455|rtl100.bpl |system.pas | |_CheckAutoResult |18047[6] |
|2000A444|rtl100.bpl |system.pas | |_CheckAutoResult |18041[0] |
|055B9C26|AQtime7BDS5.bpl |Aqdebugger.pas |TAQtimeDebugger |Run | |
|20A469B1|coreide100.bpl |DebuggerMgr.pas |TDebuggerMgr |Run |1410[4] |
|20A46968|coreide100.bpl |DebuggerMgr.pas |TDebuggerMgr |Run |1406[0] |
|055AEB77|AQtime7BDS5.bpl |Aqsyncedit.pas | |StartDebugger | |
|055AEAF0|AQtime7BDS5.bpl |Aqsyncedit.pas | |StartDebugger | |
|055AEF34|AQtime7BDS5.bpl |Aqsyncedit.pas | |ProfileSymbol | |
|055AEC0C|AQtime7BDS5.bpl |Aqsyncedit.pas | |ProfileSymbol | |
|055A826E|AQtime7BDS5.bpl |Aqmain.pas |TaqIdeMenus |RunProfileExec | |
This error created Visual Studio 2008 on vs2008 start AND AQTime 7 Pro shotcut dblclick.
The error report was created via a call to the ShowFatalErrorWithMessage function. Message: A fatal error occurred while initializing the product.
Report number in session: 1
Session id: {58939BB8-0590-49CD-8001-F26719F615A0}
Session start time: 10/26/2010 05:34:04 PM
Session duration: 00:00:03
Product name: AQtime
Product version: 7
Command line: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe"
Microsoft Windows XP
Service Pack 3
Version 5.1 Build 2600
SessionId: 0
System dir: C:\WINDOWS\system32
Windows dir: C:\WINDOWS
.NET Framework: CDF
.NET Framework: v2.0.50727, Install: True, SP: 1, Version: 2.1.21022
.NET Framework: v3.0, Install: True, SP: 1, Version: 3.1.21022
.NET Framework: v3.5, Install: True, SP: 0, Version: 3.5.21022.08
.NET Framework: v4
.NET Framework: v4.0
Number of CPUs: 8
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz
Memory load: 46%
Swap file size: 1.47Gb
Swap file usage: 69.53%
Total physical memory: 2.99Gb
Free physical memory: 1.61Gb
Total virtual memory: 2.00Gb
Free virtual memory: 1.74Gb
Total size of page file: 4.83Gb
Free space in page file: 3.36Gb
User objects: 519
GDI objects: 1778
Handles: 467
Process physical memory: 77096K
Process virtual memory: 70436K