Recent DiscussionsMost RecentMost ViewedTagged:TagNeed help to run automated test using Bitbar Need to run the automated test with ruby and appium with cucumber framework getting some issues as Appium REST http interface listener started on 2019-12-04 09:47:04:394 - [HTTP] --> ...SolvedSamsung 8 Android Device is Locked Out - Need PIN to Access Device While attempting to use the Samsung 8 device for Live Testing, my teammate found the device was locked and requiring a PIN to gain access to the device. I could not find in the FAQ or any other topi...SolvedThe mDNS query for an attached iOS device failed (iOS) Using Flutter Gherkin (1.1.9), I get this error when trying to run tests on Bitbar. Same code runs fine locally on PC/Mac, and on BitBar, the Android tests run through fine. This is just issue from...How to access result files from test Hello, I am using Appium + AltUnity + Python script to run test on mobile devices. Test generates some kinds of result files (txt, raw, png). These files are pulled out from device by Appium to ...SolvedBitbar Integration with other apps Hi, We are considering to use Testcomplete and Zephr from Smartbear and we were thinking if adding Bitbar would provide any extra help. I had a few questions regrading Bitbar. 1. Does Bitbat in...Solved[FAQ] General Bitbar questions Do we need to share the source code of the app in the Cloud? No you don’t, unless you choose to use a test framework that specifically requires this. How does Bitbar manage the cleani...export list of devices Hi all, is it possible to export a list of all devices, incl. os-version? I would need this for an (automatic) match of devices for which we have to perform tests Thanks! SolvedNeed help on setting robot framework android project in bit bar Hi Community, I want to integrate my Android project written in robot framework on Bitbar. I found one supporting article Monthly billing prorated if canceled? I have a monthly subscription that I need periodically. 2 questions: 1. Is the billing prorated if I cancel today? 2. If the answer is no to question #1--If I cancel today and still have mulitip...iOS Announcements Hello Guys, I'm welcoming you in the Bitbar community. Subscribe to this topic to be notified about the latest iOS updates in Bitbar. To subscribe click Options | Subscribe at the beginning o...