Run two copies of ReadyAPI (SoapUI Pro) simultaneously
Hello I am trying to run two copies of ReadyAPI (SoapUI Pro) simultaneously I am trying to run them side-by-side so that I can compare tests, requests and responses without having to perform a lengthy process of switching Workspaces and rerunning the tests again and again. Back in 2018 the advice was that it is not recommended, because the dashboard might get corrupted. (See: 'Running 2 ReadyAPI simultaneously') Indeed this can cause corruption of the Workspace if I try this. (ReadyAPI v2.8.2) For newer versions, has this advice changed? Have there been advances in ReadyAPI / SoapUI Pro that means we can now run two instances, on the same machine, using the same user account, using the same license, side-by-side ? Thank you.1KViews0likes3Comments