Ruby on Rails Swagger Client Confusion.
I am a junior developer trying to get better at API's and consuming API's. There are some gaps in my understanding, but if anyone can help, I would appreciate it. I have a Golang web app that I made into an API with Swagger Codegen I have a Ruby on Rails web app that has thegem 'swagger_client', '~> 1.0.0'in the Gemfile. My plan was to use my Rails controller and pass form data in my def create, def update, def destroy methods to my Golang database, but I am not understanding how I can hit my Golang endpoints. When I generated the Ruby Client, the README has the following information, but it is confusing to me. 1. # Load the gem require 'swagger_client' But where do I "require 'swagger_client'"? 2. api_instance = post = # PressReleasePostNew | Json object of data for the new Press Release Post. begin result = api_instance.post_create(post) p result rescue SwaggerClient::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling DefaultApi->post_create: #{e}" end But where do I add this block of code? Am I not understanding what the Ruby Client SDK is supposed to be used for?