Content-Transfer-Encoding type quoted-printable adds equals (=) symbols web service cannot process
Due to the length of the content in the request, SoapUI Open Source is automatically setting the Content-Transfer-Encoding type to printed-quotable. Link to request text: Unfortunately, the application is expecting JSON content in that part of the request, so it's rejecting the request because of those equals (=) signs. Link to response text: When using Content-Transfer-Encoding type is 7bit, the request completes fine (link to request text: But as soon as I go over a certain content limit, SoapUI is automatically changing the type to quote-printable. Unfortunately I have yet to find any way to modify the Content-Transfer-Encoding type to something suitable (base64? binary?) that won't add the extra characters that drive my REST service crazy. Thanks for any help!!3.6KViews1like15Comments