Issue in SOAPUI MockService DelayResponse
Hi All, i have created a mockService in SOAP UI and i am sending request to it at the rate of 300Requests/sec with delay response 29999ms (ie 29sec) but after some times i noticed that soapUI is taking more time then specified (like 100+ sec) and it is keep increasing. is there any issue with SOAP UI or is this a configuration issue?878Views0likes0CommentsMockService : Deploy As War : no WebUI
Using SoapUI 5.2.1 (open source) I am able to run and use a very simple REST MockService. Using the "Deploy As War" feature, with the "WebUI (Check to enable WebUI)" option selected, I am able to create a WAR file. The documentation says, after deploying the WAR file : "... open a web browser and point it to the root of the deployed war we get the following interface ..." But, all I see is a blank page. Any suggestions for what I might be doing wrong, or what I should do, to get the WebUI interface? I tried this using "GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.1.1 (build 1)" and "Jetty 9.3.8.v20160314", both gave a blank page (while properly responding to the mock actions/resources). This is de SoapUI project XML (also attached as "review-as-war-enable-webui-project-soapui-project.xml") : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <con:soapui-project id="b36268c5-23df-41c4-98be-31c2b192710d" activeEnvironment="Default" name="review-as-war-enable-webui-project" resourceRoot="" soapui-version="5.2.1" abortOnError="false" runType="SEQUENTIAL" xmlns:con=""> <con:settings/> <con:restMockService id="eb9515c2-7d32-4130-92fe-7c516f20c03b" port="8080" path="/" host="6G1VJ72" name="some REST MockService"> <con:settings/> <con:properties/> <con:restMockAction name="/resource1" method="GET" resourcePath="/resource1" id="70e7cad1-a37d-4797-a5e8-e52b5c7dd70d"> <con:settings/> <con:defaultResponse>R1Response</con:defaultResponse> <con:dispatchStyle>SEQUENCE</con:dispatchStyle> <con:dispatchPath/> <con:response name="R1Response" id="a9e50ff6-aacd-469e-b740-328b755bee54" httpResponseStatus="200" mediaType="application/json"> <con:settings/> <con:responseContent>{"theresponse":"for resource1"}</con:responseContent> </con:response> </con:restMockAction> <con:restMockAction name="/resource2" method="GET" resourcePath="/resource2" id="206f014f-71c6-48de-bcf0-313500e024b2"> <con:settings/> <con:defaultResponse>R2Response</con:defaultResponse> <con:dispatchStyle>SEQUENCE</con:dispatchStyle> <con:dispatchPath/> <con:response name="R2Response" id="f88f55e2-2552-4704-967d-2e0ae5ea1b34" httpResponseStatus="200" mediaType="application/json"> <con:settings/> <con:responseContent>{"theresponse":"for resource2"}</con:responseContent> </con:response> </con:restMockAction> </con:restMockService> <con:properties/> <con:wssContainer/> <con:oAuth2ProfileContainer/> <con:sensitiveInformation/> </con:soapui-project> (Some aspects of this XML code seem to be replaced by smileys in the preview, not a feature I would expect froma code section.) Many thanks.3.4KViews0likes4Comments