Facing authentication issue while using soapui for testing
Facing authentication issue while using soapui for testing getting unauthorized response. when preemptives is selected able to see response states 401 page cannot found your unauthorized. this leads me to go for other product like soapsonar which working fine for my requirement. but i am inclined to soapui869Views0likes2CommentsFunctional Testing Tutorial Error
Hi, I try to reproduce the Functional Testing tutorial using Ready ! API 1.3.1 on Win7. When I try to Add Assertion -> Property Content -> XPath Math and then to select node, the namespace declared is: declare namespace soap='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/'; and not the one in the tutorial, i.e." declare namespaceweb='http://www.webserviceX.NET/'; Where this error comes from and I am doing wrong ? Thnx.781Views0likes0Comments