Zephyr Cloud API - automated creation of execution
Dear Community, I'm new to Zephyr cloud so pardon is the issue seems obvious to you. I've been using the ZAPI to certain endpoints as described in the documentation so far successfully but encountered a problem with some. A most import feature we would like to implement is automated creation/update of test execution, not by a test manager, but ourselves using the code itself at the SetUp/TearDown stages of the test. For this end I've been using the "Create Execution" and "Update Execution" APIs. I was using them them same way I've been using the other endpoints and according to the documentation, but for the execution creation I have been receiving an error: Internal Server Error{"errorType":"ERROR","clientMessage":"We encountered some problems during processing this request. Please try again!","errorCode":104} Searching the web I've seen this error has risen more than a couple of times and probably having something to do with the JWT generation but I'm not certain of that as i've followed the instruction for JWT generation to the letter. the URL for request (GET): https://prod-api.zephyr4jiracloud.com/connect/public/rest/api/1.0/execution request headers: { "Authorization": "JWT eyJ0...Xu0I", "Content-Type": "application/json", "zapiAccessKey": <Zephyr access key> } request body (json): {"status": {"id": 1}, "projectId": <project_id>, "issueId": <issue_id>, "versionId": <version_id>} having said that, I must emphasize that the update execution API does indeed work when manually creating the execution using the UI and just updated the execution with the executionId. Sincerely hoping for some intake on that. edit: neglected to mention that trying to use the "try it now" console option from the official documentation with the example body and default headers, yields the exact same results - error 104 (https://zfjcloud.docs.apiary.io/#reference/execution/add-tests-to-folder/create-execution?console=1)Solved3.7KViews0likes6CommentsFind tests without test execution
Hello, we are using Zephyr Squad6.1.1.61109179 on JIRA Server and have the following issue: We have a lot of test cases, some with executions, some without. However, i have not figured out yet how to search for Tests in JIRA where no execution has been created yet and get a list of those issues. So far what i have read it seems like the issue is, that in JÌRA i can search for tests with JQL and in Zephyr with ZQL? But combinating it is not that easy.983Views0likes0Comments