com.testdroid.api.APIException: Failed to submit test run! No device model matching pattern
I'm New to bit-bar. I'm trying to automation mobile native application, When run my test case with below desired capabilities, I'm getting Message: com.testdroid.api.APIException: Failed to submit test run! No device model matching pattern '%Samsung Galaxy A50 2019 SM-A505FN' available My Desired capabilities: {"bitbar_apiKey": "<my Key>", "bitbar_device": "Samsung Galaxy A50 2019 SM-A505FN", "bitbar_app": "<my app id>", "platformName": "Android", "appPackage": "", "appActivity": "app.ui.HomeActivity", "deviceName": "Android Phone", "bitbar_project": "WB-BitBar-POC", "bitbar_testrun": "Scree", "automationName": "uiautomator2", 'appPackage': '', 'appActivity': 'app.ui.HomeActivity'} I have tried both driver = webdriver.Remote("", capabilities) and browser.driver = webdriver.Remote("", capabilities) Any help on this would be appreciated.677Views0likes0Comments