The Burp - Last Test Step Runs Twice when running at the Test Case Level (SOAP)
I'm might be doing something wrong, but when I run my Test Cases (it's data-driven), after the last step (Step [ReadData] ran with status [OK], it runs the last Test Step again. When I run just the Groovy code portion, it's reading the correct # of times (see attachment). Here I've added a couple of log info stmts to show this. I don't have any Setup or Teardown scripts - just the Groovy code and the Request/Response. And yes, the spreadsheet has 6 rows of data and all the input values are different. I have a variable in the SOAP Request and use Assertions - but I just disabled the assertions and it still "burped." Here is my Groovy code: import jxl.* import jxl.write.* import def groovyUtils = new Workbook workbook = Workbook.getWorkbook(new File("c:\\SoapUIData\\Fahrenheit-Temps.xls")) //The writeable sheet will erase any data, so we can't use the data sheet and update it with the results WritableWorkbook copy = Workbook.createWorkbook(new File("c:\\SoapUIData\\Fahrenheit-Chart.xls"), workbook); WritableSheet sheet1 = copy.createSheet("Fahrenheit to Celsius", 0) Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheet(0) def rowCount = sheet.getRows() for (r=1; r<rowCount; r++){ //r=1 skip header row "Line 13" //Write columns headings Label H1 = new Label(0, 0, "Fahrenheit Value Submitted"); //1st column heading sheet1.addCell(H1); Label H2 = new Label(1, 0, "Expected Result"); //1st column heading sheet1.addCell(H2); Label H3 = new Label(2, 0, "Actual Result"); //1st column heading sheet1.addCell(H3); //Read a Fahrentheit temp valCellContents=sheet.getCell(0,r) cellContents=valCellContents.getContents() FAHRENHEIT = cellContents.toString() testRunner.testCase.setPropertyValue("Fahrenheit",FAHRENHEIT) Label fh = new Label(0, r, FAHRENHEIT); //1st column sheet1.addCell(fh); // Below I'm going to use the properties to perform assertions valCellContents=sheet.getCell(1,r) cellContents=valCellContents.getContents() EXPECTEDRESULT = cellContents.toString() testRunner.testCase.setPropertyValue("EXPECTEDRESULT",EXPECTEDRESULT) Label expectedResult = new Label(1, r, EXPECTEDRESULT); sheet1.addCell(expectedResult); testRunner.runTestStepByName("FahrenheitToCelsius-Request") //Get Celsius temp fromCelsiusValue Response def res = context.expand('${FahrenheitToCelsius-Request#response}') def response = new XmlHolder(res) def CelsiusValue = response.getNodeValue('//m:FahrenheitToCelsiusResult') //Write the actual result in 3rd column Label label = new Label(2, r, CelsiusValue); //3rd column sheet1.addCell(label); } //Gets next row "Line 51" copy.write(); copy.close(); workbook.close() Here is the Soap Request: <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:tem=""> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <tem:FahrenheitToCelsius> <tem:nFahrenheit>${#TestCase#Fahrenheit}</tem:nFahrenheit> </tem:FahrenheitToCelsius> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> Thanks in advance.771Views0likes0Comments