Hiptest-publisher error No tests imported
Hello! I'm facing this problem while trying to push the results of the tests to cucumber studio. I'm using cucumber-java. The tests run and pass, but after the command : hiptest-publisher --config-file hiptest-publisher.conf --push target/surefire-reports/TEST-RunTests.xml --test-run-id 604247 --push-format junit this error is shown [v] No tests imported Possible causes for the lack of imported tests: * Did you run the following command before executing your tests? hiptest-publisher --config=hiptest-publisher.conf --test-run-id=345241 --without=actionwords * Did you specify the correct push format? Use push_format=<format> in your config file or option --push-format=<format> in the command line Available formats are: cucumber-json, junit, nunit, robot, tap This is my hiptest-publisher.conf : not_recursive = false split_scenarios = false with_folders = true keep_filenames = false keep_foldernames = false empty_folders = false leafless_export = false no_parent_folder_tags = false with_dataset_names = false language = cucumber output_directory = './features' framework = java site = https://studio.cucumber.io step_definitions_output_directory = './features/step_definitions' actionwords_output_directory = './features/step_definitions' overriden_templates = './templates' I tried the steps fromhttps://community.smartbear.com/t5/CucumberStudio/Does-CucumberStudio-integrates-with-Serenity-BDD/m-p/203124#M5 and https://community.smartbear.com/t5/CucumberStudio/Push-result-status-on-CucumberStudio/m-p/203123but the same error shows.1.4KViews0likes0CommentsUnable to invoke global hooks for cucumber java
I have a test project that is cucumber java based. I have 3 packages under src/test/java -> featureFiles, stepDefinitions, globalHooks. When I run my entire test suite via Gradle task or JUnit runner, it seems the hooks never gets invokes unless I move them into stepDefintions. Any advice on how this can be fixed? Hooks I'm using are "@BeforeAll,@Before,@Afterand@AfterAll"1.5KViews0likes0Commentsrun cucumber selenium tests in gitlab-ci
Hi I have a selenium cucumber project with some tests. The tests worked and the chromeDriver had launch when I run the -mvn clean compile test in my IDE. I created this .gitlab-ci.yml in my project's root: image: markhobson/maven-chrome:jdk-11 stages: - build - test variables: MAVEN_OPTS: "-Dmaven.repo.local=.m2/repository" cache: paths: - .m2/repository/ - target/ build: stage: build script: - mvn $MAVEN_OPTS clean package - mvn compile test: stage: test script: - mvn test When I run the pipeline, I face this error in the console: Unable to load browser: Could not start a new session. Possible causes are invalid address of the remote server or browser start-up failure. Build info: version: '4.0.0-beta-1', revision: '9c03156c2b' System info: host: 'runner-fa6cab46-project-25183469-concurrent-0', ip: '', os.name: 'Linux', os.arch: 'amd64', os.version: '4.19.78-coreos', java.version: '11.0.10' Driver info: org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver What can I do for running the tests?8.9KViews0likes16CommentsComparing differences between CucumberStudio and Cucumber for JIRA
Hi, I'm currently looking at CucumberStudio and Cucumber for JIRA as potential tools to introduce to our teams and would like to know the following: 1) What are the functional differences between ‘CucumberStudio’ and ‘Cucumber for JIRA’? Is it simply the former is its own independent application while the latter is a jira plugin? 2) Do both maintain synchronisation between feature files <-> git or only one of them? how does it work exactly and are there any limitations? 3) What new issues types does ‘Cucumber for JIRA’ introduce into JIRA? Appreciate your assistance, thanks.1.4KViews0likes0CommentsImporting automation results duplicates creation of test cases
I've noticed when trying out a further import of cucumber test execution results that, the import does not recognise that a test cases for that scenario was created with the first import, and so duplicates creation of test case. is this expected ? I'd like to be able to see one test case with all test executions of that test attached to it. This is especially important for regression.Solved1KViews0likes2CommentsHow to pass parameters between steps in Cucumber with JS?
Hi guys, I have a small issue with Cucumber and I'm new to it, I have the scenarios below: Scenario: 005 I can checkout successfully when entering valid information at required fields When I enter first name into field First Name Scenario: 006.... And Order Information displays first name correctly I had entered value in the first scenario and I want to pass that value into the 2nd scenario but don't know how6.3KViews0likes1CommentAfter changing Feature file description test executing twice one with new and old description
Hi I have made changes in one of my existing feature file description but did not changes any tags in that feature file or steps and no changes made in test runner file or any stepDefination file and uploaded through git, now when I am executing through jenkins I found that my test scenarios are running twice one with my new feature description and another with old feature description, I am not able to solve this problem, can any one please guide how to solve this.1KViews0likes1CommentHow to get extend report for scenarios which run parallel in a grid
Hi , Currently I am using extentreports 4.0.9 and able to get report after execution of a scenario/feature . But when I run these scenarios in a grid ( in my remote machine I am running these scenarios in grid for regression ) am not able to get theextent report . Is there any way to get the extend report for the scenarios running parallel in a grid . and also send automatic mail after every scenario execution ( this is also not happening in my case ) . Please guide me through this1.1KViews0likes0CommentsCucumber BDD + Serenity - Writing user defined methods
I am learning and using Cucumber BDD, with Serenity. I am writing a global library which will have re-usable methods. These methods are accessible from all classes/java files. I am struggling to understand how to access Webdriver object. Or, if webdriver not needed, can I directly access "element" which comes with selenium?? But the below syntax is throwing error, as "element" is not correct. 1. Should I pass "driver" as parameter for every Global method 2. I access this method from Pages. Should I pass "driver" as parameter. If so, what is the correct way to pass "driver" object to the method below. public class GlobalMethods { public void clickLinkWithText(String text){ System.out.println("Entered into clicklink with text >> " + text); element(By.xpath("//a[text()='"+text+"']")).click(); } }893Views0likes0Comments