Test different resource values in SOAP UI
Hi, I am trying to create tests for the endpoint which ends like this: /account/id where id can have different values. In SOAP UI I want to test whether the correct value return 200, and other incorrect values return 400, so I would like to have tests: 1. /account/1234 - correct 2. /account/abc - incorrect However I am unable to change the values of the resource in Test Cases in SOAP UI as it is hardcoded: Is there any way I can change resource depending on the test?365Views0likes0Commentsexport json swagger with response member details
can I export "json" swagger with full response from "Soapui"? the swagger exported contains just response status code, not details. my swagger output: {"swagger":"2.0","info":{"version":"1.0","title":"http://localhost:54480"},"basePath":"http://localhost:54480/CustomerImage.svc/GetCustomerPicture/?IdentityNumber=123&AccountNumber=123","paths":{"/CustomerImage.svc/GetCustomerPicture":{"get":{"operationId":"CustomerImage.svc","parameters":[{"name":"IdentityNumber","in":"query","required":false,"type":"string"},{"name":"AccountNumber","in":"query","required":false,"type":"string"}],"responses":{"0":{},"404":{},"200":{},"500":{}}}}}1.2KViews0likes1CommentSoapUI - Folders in Projects
Right now the only grouping possible is by project, it would be nice to be able to have folders inside this projects. This way the "workbench" can be a little cleaner. Anyway, thanks in advance and thanks for such a helping tool. Best regards and keep up the wood work! Federico.7KViews4likes2CommentsCompare test step
Purpose The process of testing often requires to compare test results to expected values. When we need to check a specific value, we can use assertions. However, there are often occasions when we need to compare one documents to another (e.g. XML, JSON). I propose to introduce a new type of test step: Compare test step. Functionality Compare test step would allow: Select documents: users would select source and target document from test step requests, responses, properties and other document holders in SoapUI environment, similarly as the Property Transfer test step does. Type of comparisson: the user could choose whether the documents have to be identical (both structure and values) or similar (only the structure should be same). Also the user could choose to ignore differences in whitespaces, attributes, or namespaces, or even data types which to ignore (e.g. xsd:dateTime is typically different). List of items to compare/ignore: the user could list the items which should be ignored, represented by XPath statements. Also there would be an opposite option: a list of XPath statements to check and to ignore the rest of the documents. Suggestions The Compare test step can utilize the XMLUnit library for XML and thus expose its function via SoapUI user interface. The Compare step can be similarly used for JSON documents.9KViews8likes3CommentsSoapUI - Remember path of last added wsdl
If you need to add two or more WSDLs from your file system, every fileyou add starts the "browse" dialog from SoapUI's instalation folder. It would help a lot if the last path is remebered, so no need to navigate to the directory every time. Thanks again. Best regards, Federico.1.6KViews1like0Comments