TestEngine + Jenkins Plugin: Execute list of Project/Suite/Case SoapUI tests
In their current implementation 1.) the TestEngine needs to be provided a zip with all required files by the calling client 2.) the TestEngine Jenkins plugin will execute one Project/Suite/Case per Jenkins job Problem: This setup does not scale to execute many Project/Suite/Case SoapUI tests in a row Suggestion: ad 1.) a.) Provide TestEngine the ability to access/checkout GIT repos containing SoapUI Projects b.) Add an API to TestEngine that will take the Project/Suite/Case/... parameters and pick all required files from above local checkout area --> Like this no files need to be created/transfered to the TestEngine server What still needs to be done is the specification of the list of Project/Suite/Case to be executed. This could be provided by one or more config files maintained in the GIT repo(s) ad 2.) In case the TestEngine runs on the Jenkins slave(s), the Jenkins job could - checkout the GIT repo(s) - locate the config file(s) containing the list of /Project/Suite/Case SoapUI Tests in the checkout area (e.g. via parameter) - loop the config file(s) calling the TestEngine API with Project/Suite/Case/... parameters --> like this - The TestEngine is running as a server (contrary to testruner.sh) - The invocation of many Project/Suite/Case's will run with minimal overhead (presumably msecs instead of secs) - all required files are taken from a repo -> any updates propagate to TestEngine automatically Remark: This type of automated execution of SoapUI Test from different Project/Suite/Case needs to complemented with a suitable test report (e.g. csv file with Project/Suite/Case/Step, timeStamp, Status, ExecTime, ErrorMsg, ...1.9KViews1like1CommentAutomatic Environment Selection
Hi, it would be nice to have Automatic Environment Selection when running the test using Jenkins. I thought I was just missing on something (a setting maybe), but asraiqeementioned, this seems to be an open issue. There is no formal fix posted but a workaround she found is to save the project at SoapUIwith the environment you want to run on Jenkins as the active one before running the test. Otherwise, you will encounter an Oracle Error (missing expression) when running the test via Jenkins but not when you run the test using SoapUI directly. Please see the following threads: maven and environment selection HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized warning followed by ORA-00936 when building via Jenkins Maven SoapUi how to parametrized environment endpoint ?1.2KViews0likes0Comments