Use API to see if TestRunResult has file(s) attached
I am using the REST and SOAP APIs in Java code to fetch data, especially attachments, from QAComplete projects. When checking if an entity has an attachment, in most cases there is this handy json key "nbr_files" attached to the object in the Get reply. However, when I get down to test run results level, this json key is nowhere to be found. Here's an example: I call Get on: http://qacomplete.companyUrl/rest-api/service/api/v2/projects/projId/testruns/testrunId/items/itemId/ And get the following json object: ... "test_run_results": [ { "id": testRunResultId, "test_run_item_id": idNo, "seq": 1, "is_stopped_on_fail": false, "status_code": "Passed", "step": "Test data<br> <br>", "expected_result": "xxxxx", "test_step_id": idNo, "project_id": projId, "is_tokenized": false } ] ... In this test_run_result item, there is no "nbr_files" key, but I have verified that there is actually a file attached to this entity. That is I can run soap.getAttachmentList(projId, testRunResultId, "TestRunResults"); and get a list of attachments. So finally, my question is, is it possible to see if a testRunResult item has an attachment without having to call SOAP.getAttachmentList() for every item in the test_run_results array?Solved2.6KViews0likes3Comments