[Android] getting numeric input screen instead of settings screen
Hello, if I open the device settings screen or opening a settings screen from within my App (like an Activity using APP_OPEN_BY_DEFAULT_SETTINGS) I see this numeric input screen instead of the settings screen. How can I fix this? Btw if I press the Menu button I do see the settings screen:354Views0likes0CommentsHow to distribute the iOS/Android builds to the multiple access group through Jenkins pipeline
We have used the Jenkins pipeline for releasing the iOS builds and android builds to the bitbar using the "runInCloud" plugin method. We need to distribute the build to multiple access groups in an automated way. How to automatically distribute the build to the access group from Jenkins "runInCloud"? Which parameter do I need to use in the runInClound?614Views0likes0Comments[FAQ] Android Test Automation Frameworks
When people consider what framework works the best, these supplementary documents, slidedecks and webinars can be recommended: Appium, Calabash, Espresso, Robotium, uiautomator: https://www.slideshare.net/bitbar/different-android-test-automation-framework-what-works-you-the-best Robotium vs. uiautomator: http://bitbar.com/the-pros-and-cons-of-different-android-testing-methods Appium: https://www.slideshare.net/bitbar/testdroid-webinar201401071.2KViews0likes0Comments