ZQL - Search for unmapped requirements
As a user, I need the ability to search for requirements or test cases that are un-mapped within Zephyr projects and releases. - Add the ability to search both test cases and requirements for mapped or unmapped (true/false) - Make this available to search across projects and rereleasesAdvanceSearch API to return custom field values instead of index
Currently, when we pull data from the advanceSearch API endpoint, the custom picklist fields returned include the index value instead of the actual value, making it hard for us to post-process the data - we need to lookup the actual value for each custom field with extra API calls. We need an option to have the API return the actual custom field values so that we don't need the additional lookups. OLD ID :-ZENT-I-285Need ability to search by Attachment - exists or does not exist
As a user, I need the ability to search for Test Executions that either have or do not have an Attachment - using ZQL, for example: executedBy="TesterABC" and attachment is empty Currently, Attachment is not accepted as the field name in Search. OLD ID:-ZENT-I-363Additional Search options (except Release checkbox) are required
Currently, only two Search options are available 1. Within the Release - when the Release box is checked 2. Within the entire Zephyr DB - when the Release box is unchecked Since our Zephyr instance has ~500,000 tests already, and we have just migrated, we need the following 3 options (radio-buttons for single selection): 1. Release 2. Project 3. All Projects OLD ID:-ZENT-I-364Sub-string search in testcase advanced mode search
Advanced search is not working with sub-string/word, for example, we have a name field with the value " R2R Prepare Withholding Tax return_F1515 - Display [1]". If ZQL: name ~ "" we get the results listed OK If ZQL: name ~ "15.15.15" the result list is empty. It is not always possible to know the whole word in a test case name. Then you can not get the list of test cases you are looking for. This is more of an error than an enhancement request since in general web-based tools work with sub-string search. In the same way, other search functions in *Zephyr works with sub-string search. Ex in the Admin part, search for a project to the user, and in Dashboard when you search for the project. OLD ID:- ZENT-I-416