ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Does still exist I'm getting the below. I'm a WSDL newbie so maybe this is supposted to come up? Explore services for all devices The WebserviceX.NET Data Protocol is a REST-inspired technology for reading, writing, and modifying information on the web. Explore How to load a file as Base64 in a loop using source data property as filename I have a data load that uses XLS as a source and SOAP as a destination. The test steps are: Data Source Create Record - Post SOAP Request Add Attachment- Post SOAP Request Note: 2 post requests are needed as there are two different post requests for the related record and attachment. Datasource Loop The above works fine and the records are created and attachment added where the attachment is a property (column) in the XLS file and contains base64 data. What I would like to be able to do instead is loada file at run timeby using a column in the xls file to specify the file name to load and convert. for example the source column would contain the value C:\Temp\MyPic.jpg andwhen posting the soap request SoapUI would load the fileC:\Temp\MyPic.jpg, convert it, and pass it as Base64 data in the Soap Properties. Re: Data Import from CSV or XML Thanks Richie. that worked pretty well. A few snags along the way but got it working. That interface sure isn't userfriendly or all to intuitive so kudos to you for figuring it out! Re: Data Import from CSV or XML ThanksrichieI will give that a try. Can this be done with SOAPUI as well? How to store response sessionkey as a variable to use in other steps? I would like to automate the below so that whe I get a sessionkey (Step1) I can save it automatically as a variable and then use it for future steps (Step 2, etc) Curent Scenario: Step 1: Connect SOAP Request which results in a response that includes MySessionKey <connectionStatus>Success</connectionStatus> <sessionKey>MySessionKey</sessionKey> Step 2: Create Record Request the xml used here needs to contain the sessionkey <saas:sessionKey>MySessionKey</saas:sessionKey> How can I accomplish this? SolvedData Import from SQL Database SOAP Newbie here. Successfully created my first SOAP Project and request to create a record. Now how can I do a mass import by getting the data from a SQL Databasesource file and then loop through my soap request? Thanks in advance! SolvedData Import from CSV or XML SOAP Newbie here. Successfully created my first SOAP Project and request to create a record. Now how can I do a mass import by getting the data from a csv/xml source file and then loop through my soap request? Thanks in advance! Solved