ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: When Run on Pipeline test step don't take DataSource values Hiscruzvx It seems that the issue is caused by the access to the database when runnign on Pipeline. I think it makes sense to create a support case for further investigation of the issue. You can do it here: Re: Managing multiple Auth records - Ability to trigger one but how to complete for subsequent Hidavecoleman, The script which I provided generates a token depending on which authentication profile is set. So if your profile is "profile1", then the token will be generated for this profile: def authType = submit.getRequest().getAuthType() if(authType == "OAuth 2.0"){ // Set up variables def authProfileName = submit.getRequest().getActiveAuthProfile().getName() Here, the script gets the type of auth in the first row and only if it's OAutn 2.0 then it will generate the token for the profile that is indicated in the auth setting for the request. If it didn't work for you, let me know what did you mean "2 different OAuth tokens to request to access these API's", do you mean two tokens in one request at the same time? Re: Managing multiple Auth records - Ability to trigger one but how to complete for subsequent Hidavecoleman Try to use this script: // Import the required classes import import import def authType = submit.getRequest().getAuthType() if(authType == "OAuth 2.0"){ // Set up variables def authProfileName = submit.getRequest().getActiveAuthProfile().getName() def project = ModelSupport.getModelItemProject(context.getModelItem()) def authProfile = project.getAuthRepository().getEntry(authProfileName) def oldToken = authProfile.getAccessToken() def tokenType = TokenType.ACCESS // Create a facade object def oAuthFacade = new OltuOAuth2ClientFacade(tokenType) // Request an access token in headless mode oAuthFacade.requestAccessToken(authProfile, true, true) // Wait until the access token gets updated //while(oldToken == authProfile.getAccessToken()) {} //The sleep method can be used instead of a while loop //sleep(3000) for(int i = 0; i<=3000; i++){ if(oldToken != authProfile.getAccessToken()){ break } sleep(1) } // Post the info to the log //"Set new token: " + authProfile.getAccessToken()) } Re: ReadyAPI-SoapUI-Maven-Allure HiRenat_L, Yes, we are planning to include this feature in one of the future releases. I've linked your topic to the feature request to increase its rating. Re: Is it possible to connect VMs from readyAPI? Hiarunbharath, You can send the logs in the response for the request on your server side, then you will get them in the response in ReadyAPI and, after that, you can work with them. The second way - if your logs are placed in the shared folder, you can get access to these files via the Groovy script, please find different examples of how to work with the files here: Re: How to generate test case printable report during automation execution and Save in local system ? HiVallalarasu_P On this subject, we have a good article with the detailed analysis, which you can find here: Re: Update definition not updating / importing request json payload Hijasond, What version of ReadyAPI do you use? Re: SOAPUI Mock WS SSL HiAlbertoMolina, t looks like this question requires additional investigation. So, I suggest that you create a support ticket here. Our Customer Care team will do their best to assist you. Re: Workspace null in SOAPUI while running from unix Hik15, Try to use this code: project = new WsdlProject("Full path to the project") Re: How to Get Total Test Cases count and Execution Time taken on Project from Project Teardown Hi678 1) I think this topic will be useful for you: Integer counter = 0 project.testSuiteList.each { it.testCaseList.each { if (it.disabled == false) { counter = counter + 1 } } } counter.toString() 2) You can use this command: runner.getTimeTaken()