ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Which assertion to use to check that the body of response looks correct Hi, If you are looking to see if something exists within the reponse you can just use the Contains Assertion. read section 2 script assertion - Output the assertion and result to file Im looking for advice on how I can output a script assertion's asserts result into a csv. I am using testStep.getAssertionList() to get the non script assertions, but against the script assertion it just outputs null but I would like to retrieve the Assertion status from inside the assertion script snippet from assertion script 123141 = holder.getNodeValue('//Results/ResultSet/Row['+count+']/182kasff') if (Medium == 'fasfafa') { 12312 = holder.getNodeValue('//Results/ResultSet/Row['+count+']/fsafasf') purpose = holder.getNodeValue('//Results/ResultSet/Row['+count+']/saffsafsa') actSecDate = holder.getNodeValue('//Results/ResultSet/Row['+count+']/asffsfsafsa') assert actSecDate.toString() ==qeqwqfa if (purpose == 'fsafsa'){ if (12312.toInteger() == 1){ type = holder.getNodeValue('//Results/ResultSet/Row['+count+']/saffsafsa') assert type.toString() == propTestStep.getPropertyValue("qwttqyy").toString() } else if (12312.toInteger() == 3){ type = holder.getNodeValue('//Results/ResultSet/Row['+count+']/saffsafsa') assert type.toString() == propTestStep.getPropertyValue("qwerqwrqw").toString() } I want to extract the status of each assert and report into a csv. Looking for help with Soap UI to update XML and inject into JMS Queue. I have around 10000 messages stored from a production environment which I need to manipulate two tags if they are present. I am using soap ui free and set up a data reader within Groovy script to retrieve the data that needs to be input into the XMLs as it loops through the messages and submits. But the problem is I cant think of a way to only update if a particular path is present within the XML eg: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Header/> <soap:Body> <tem:Add xmlns:tem=""> <tem:intA>5</tem:intA> <tem:intB>7</tem:intB> </tem:Add> **Rest of message** </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope> but path <tem:Add xmlns:tem=""> <tem:intA>5</tem:intA> is not always present but need to update the value contained within these tags if it is present. The data looper is reading a csv and storing the value into a properties. I need to paste that property into the XML and fire then loop to next file. Re: Groovy - Select position for related arrays and verify contents Thanks for the help, I took on your advice and changed it slightly to create the multi dimension array in the loop through SQL response instead but im facing a memory size issue. Is there a way to change the test case memory allocation through the front end? Groovy - Select position for related arrays and verify contents Hello, I have been looking for almosta week now around how to best approach this but cannot find anything. I have two arrays which are related that are storing values from a loop through a JDBC output These arrays are set like this(i increments in loop, medium also contains common values within the array which is where type comes in to identify for what I want to use it for) Both arrays are the same size. medium[i] = holder.getNodeValue(nodeStringMedium).toString() type[i] = holder.getNodeValue(nodeStringType).toString() Once I have them all stored I then want to search for where a value is within the medium which I was using: medium.findIndexValues { it == "Post" } But due to that coming with multiple positions of post (1,4,6) it doesn't allow me to find the position in type using that. I am looking for: store as a variablethe position where medium = X and type = Y for example in the below I want to find the position of medium ="Post" and Type = "Alternative" which would be 4 Position Medium Type 1 Post Standard 2 Email Alternative 3 SMS Standard 4 Post Alternative 5 Mobile Standard 6 Post BackUp SolvedRe: Not able to configure hermesjms with IBM WebsphereMQ V 8.0 Has anyone found a solution to this? I am now experiencing this (I am very new to HermesJMS) and have no idea how to resolve it? I am using in providers that sets fine, but then when setting Loader to MQ and Class as MQConnectionFactory I get the above error. I am using IIB MQ Version and SOAP UI 5.3.0 and HermesJMS (standard with 5.3.0 SOAPUI). Thanks in advance