ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: SoapUI OpenSource Integration with GitThanks jkrolczy for keeping this thread alive even after years. Just a quick question I had, How are you able to execute these tests you have in Bamboo/Git from a build/deploy tool. In my case, I have the test data and the soapui project xml files in a repo which I have linked to a Bamboo plan. I would like to run the plan(if manualy/triggered by a build deployment) so that it connects to the repo(clones/whatever) and then executes this soapui project(along with the data) @nmrao and others for help.Request section is not updated with the message body(payload) I imported petstore swagger json into sopaui 5.4.0 and the import was successful can see the hostname and resource paths updated correctly but the headers & the bosy are not populated in the request and header sections of soapui. Is there anything that we need to do additionally to make these auto populated. I think it defeats the purpose of importing swagger. Re: Swagger - support for "in: body", i.e. schema for json requestsIs this feature implemented in the openSource and commercial versions. Am I missing something? I am using Opensource version 5.4.0 and when I import I dont see the request body updated automatically. You can use the petstore swagger file to try and test this.Re: SaaopUi with bambooThe second line in your error clearly suggests. What was the entire command you used. Have you checked if you are passing the right arguments.Re: Execute Steps Sequentially I figured out the solution myself. Instead of setting properties(which need to be read from another test case) at Test Case Level, I set them at Project level/. def tc = context.testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project tc.setPropertyValue('TestCase', Execute Steps Sequentially I have a Project with 2 test cases in it. Set Up Test Case 1 has 3 Steps(Groovy Scripts). Each of these steps creates a different type of xml. Test Case 2 has only one Groovy Script that has connection properties to send the above xmls to the desired destination. Flow In the Test Case 1, for each test step, at the end of the script I am setting the properties like end point, test step name, xml to Test Case 2. When Test Case 2 is called from Test Case 1 - Step 1, Test Case 2's Step looks at its properties like the end point & xml and send them to the destination. I am running just Test Case 1 and not the Test Suite as I don't want to call the Connections againas a separate test. The 3 Steps in Test Case 1 execute sequentially one after the othermaking subsequent calls to the Test Case 2 - Step. Problem When I check my Application Logs, I can see that only the Test case 1 --> Step 2's XML is sent thrice to the application. When I checked the properties of the Test Case 2 after the Test case execution finished, I can see that the properties are set correctly. The expected outcome I want is --> Each Step's XML should be sent separately to the Application, not just one step's XML thrice. i.e When Test Case 1 - Step 3 executed those properties written to Test Case 2 are perfectly saved. Not sure why the Test Case 2 is not reading those properties correctly. Sample Code : In Test Case 1 I am using the below code in each steps def tc = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.getTestCaseByName("Test Case 2") tc.setPropertyValue('TestCase', //This was just to write to log tc.setPropertyValue('Send',"QueueName") tc.setPropertyValue('updated', updated) //updated holds the xml from Test Case 1's steps each time. So when TC1-Step1 executes, it updates the property called "updated" with its xml. When TC1-Step2 exevutes, it updates the same property next time. testRunner.runTestStep( project.testSuites['Test Suite'].testCases['Test Case 2'].testSteps['Test Step 2'] ) In Test Case 2, I am using the below lines to read from its properties. def updated = testRunner.testCase.getPropertyValue('updated') TextMessage msg = queueSession.createTextMessage(updated) How can I run the steps in Test case 1, so that theyeach can make a call passing their properties to Test Case 2, so that test case 2 can use those properties to send them tot the target. SolvedGroovy call test step of a different test case and then return back to calling test case I have a Project with 2 test cases in it. Set Up Test Case 1 has 3 Steps(Groovy Scripts). Each of these steps creates a different type of xml. Test Case 2 has only one Groovy Script that has connection properties to send the above xmls to the desired destination. Flow In the Test Case 1, for each test step, at the end of the script I am setting the properties like end point, test step name, xml to Test Case 2. When Test Case 2 is called from Test Case 1 - Step 1, Test Case 2's Step looks at its properties like the end point & xml and send them to the destination. I am running just Test Case 1 and not the Test Suite as I don't want to call the Connections againas a separate test. The 3 Steps in Test Case 1 execute sequentially one after the othermaking subsequent calls to the Test Case 2 - Step. Problem When I check my Application Logs, I can see that only the Test case 1 --> Step 2's XML is sent thrice to the application. When I checked the properties of the Test Case 2 after the Test case execution finished, I can see that the properties are set correctly. The expected outcome I want is --> Each Step's XML should be sent separately to the Application, not just one step's XML thrice. i.e When Test Case 1 - Step 3 executed those properties written to Test Case 2 are perfectly saved. Not sure why the Test Case 2 is not reading those properties correctly. Sample Code : In Test Case 1 I am using the below code in each steps def tc = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.getTestCaseByName("Test Case 2") tc.setPropertyValue('TestCase', //This was just to write to log tc.setPropertyValue('Send',"QueueName") tc.setPropertyValue('updated', updated) //updated holds the xml from Test Case 1's steps each time. So when TC1-Step1 executes, it updates the property called "updated" with its xml. When TC1-Step2 exevutes, it updates the same property next time. testRunner.runTestStep( project.testSuites['Test Suite'].testCases['Test Case 2'].testSteps['Test Step 2'] ) In Test Case 2, I am using the below lines to read from its properties. def updated = testRunner.testCase.getPropertyValue('updated') TextMessage msg = queueSession.createTextMessage(updated) Question : How can I run the steps in Test case 1, so that theyeach can make a call passing their properties to Test Case 2, so that test case 2 can use those properties to send them tot the target. Re: hermes-config.xml not working with Ready API 1.2.2 SoaPUI PRO Had the same problem with SOAPUI 5.0.0.The suggestion above didn't worknmrao Error : Hermes configuration is not valid. Please check that 'Hermes Config' project property is set to path of proper hermes-config.xml file Re: Remove RFH2 Headers in Groovy Code/SOAPUI Request Tab properties I could not make it to work by setting the JMS properties in the SOAPUI Request tab but in the groovy I could do the below to overcome the issue. def jmsEndpoint = new JMSEndpoint("jms://${session}::${channelType}_${send}") def hermes = HermesUtils.getHermes( context.testCase.testSuite.project, jmsEndpoint.sessionName) def jmsConnectionHolder = new JMSConnectionHolder( jmsEndpoint, hermes, false, null ,null ,null) Session queueSession = jmsConnectionHolder.getSession(); Queue queueSend = jmsConnectionHolder.getQueue( jmsConnectionHolder.getJmsEndpoint().getSend() ); queueSend.setTargetClient(1); Remove RFH2 Headers in Groovy Code/SOAPUI Request Tab properties Somehow SOAPUI is adding RFH2 headers to the outgoing messages sent to MQ. How can this be disabled so that it send just plain xml without any additional RFH2 header prefixed to the message. I tried adding a JMS Property called "targetClient" & setting its value to "MQ" or "1" or "MQJMS_CLIENT_JMS_COMPLIANT" But none of it worked. Solved