Forum Discussion

gkarama's avatar
3 years ago

Upload Junit Results - Errors are not regarded as failures

I created and run 3 test cases in Java with Junit.


The test cases that were run produced the following results:

1 of them was passed,

1 of them was failed with an assertion error (the xml contains the <failure> tag)

1 of them threw an exception (the xml contains the <error> tag)


I created an automation task with:

Import Method -> Upload

Automation Framework -> Junit

Upload File -> the attached .zip file that contains 2 .xml files and 3 test cases in total.


After executing the automation task, I noticed that 3 tests were created:

2 passed (the test case that threw the exception was not marked as failed)

1 failed


Shouldn't the test cases that contain the <error> tag be marked as failed?


Thanks in advance


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