Forum Discussion

tomevision's avatar
New Contributor
2 years ago

Zephyr Scale server testResult POST publishes only one test script result


I am trying to use the Zephyr Scale Server API (v1) Python API to publish test results to Jira. According to the documentation I have to use the /testresult endpoint with the following JSON format:

  "projectKey": "JQA",
  "testCaseKey": "JQA-T123",
  "status": "Fail",
  "environment": "Firefox",
  "comment": "The test has failed on some automation tool procedure.",
  "assignedTo": "vitor.pelizza",
  "executedBy": "cristiano.caetano",
  "executionTime": 180000,
  "actualStartDate": "2016-02-14T19:22:00-0300",
  "actualEndDate": "2016-02-15T19:22:00-0300",
  "customFields": {
    "CI Server": "Bamboo"
  "issueLinks": ["JQA-123", "JQA-456"],
  "scriptResults": [
      "index": 0,
      "status": "Fail",
      "comment": "This step has failed."
{ "index": 1, "status": "Pass", "comment": "This step has passed." }
] }

I manage to publish the results to Jira, and see the test executions under the Executions tab, but I only see one test step under the test scripts section. Can anyone help me how to publish test results and see all test steps listed in the test script field?