Forum Discussion

wichers's avatar
Occasional Contributor
4 years ago

swagger-core annotations required to specify HTTP requestBody form parameters?

This is related to my other question today:  I’m trying to now figure out how to use swagger-core annotations to specify requestBody form parameters.  What I want to generate is described here: in the section “Form Data”. I specifically want to generate the .yaml described in the box under: “In OpenAPI 3.0, form data is modelled using a type: object schema where the object properties represent the form fields:”


Here is my relevant swagger-core annotated code:



  public class Test00020 extends HttpServlet {




          @Operation (

                  summary = "Ask something, get something back.",

                  requestBody = @RequestBody( description = "Form POST parameters in request body", required = true,

                          content = @Content( schema = @Schema(implementation = Object.class,

                                         name = "Test00020" ))))



          public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { ...


which results in this .yaml:





        summary: Ask something, get something back.

        operationId: doPost


          description: Form POST parameters in request body




                type: object.    <-- Good up to here, but properties: block missing (see below)

          required: true



            description: default response


              text/html: {}


This is pretty close, but it is missing the parameter name and type param properties in the request body schema:


                Test00020:          # <!--- form field name

                  type: string


I couldn’t find any example of how to actually do this, and my trial and error got me this far. The name = "Test00020" element of the Content Schema is being ignored. Any clue how I fix my annotations to get it to work properly?

1 Reply

  • As mentioned in my reply to your other question, swagger-core 2.x reader targets JAX-RS and its implementations: a typical APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED endpoint would be implemented e.g. in Jersey like this one processed as this test 


    However your approach is almost right (using @RequestBody with @Content and @Schema) but adding schema properties via annotation is not (yet) supported. You have 2 options


    1. create a class representing your schema with properties, and use that in the `implementation` field, like:


    class Test00020RequestBody {
      public String Test00020;


      public class Test00020 extends HttpServlet {
              @Operation (
                      summary = "Ask something, get something back.",
                      requestBody = @RequestBody( description = "Form POST parameters in request body", required = true,
                              content = @Content( schema = @Schema(implementation =Test00020RequestBody.class))))
              public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { ...


    or use a filter  to programmatically define exactly what you need