Swagger Open Source Tools Questions 1,742 PostsSwagger Open Source Tools News & Announcements 5 Posts
Latest PostsCookie Authentication used to work Hi, I recently tried to use the latest generator (7.11) and I can't get cookie auth to work, because I get the following error: <b>Fatal error</b>: Uncaught InvalidArgumentException: Authenticator ...[Open API 3.0.*]Does fraction of schema can be referred to the other schema "components": { "schemas":{ "email": { "title": "Email ", "type": "object", "description": "Email record.", "allOf": [ { "$ref": "#/compo...Can Swagger UI for Openapi v3 handle arrays in multipart requests? I have the following Openapi document: { "info": { "description": "This document shows strange behavior in swagger ui", "title": "This document shows a strange behavior in swagger ui", ...Incompleteness in string formats documentation, potentially misleading Hello guys, I recently stumbled upon an incompleteness in Swagger OpenAPI docs that's potentially dangerous. Please refer to String Formats section here: https://swagger.io/docs/specification/v3_0/...Dynamic Payload as per the Id Provided in params I am working on a Backend Project, and also created multiple APIs. In one of my API i want dynamic payload as per the id in the params provided & and i am not able to implement it, example of t...All application end points are displaying I have deployed my swagger-integrated RESTEasy application as a war file on JBoss. Another ear file RESTEasy application which is not integrated with swagger annotations also deployed on the same JB...Hide property from Swagger UI Hi, Our project requires to hide a property from Swagger UI such as maxItems which is showing a value which we do not want to display on the Swagger UI page under schema. please suggest if there is...Swagger Annotation does not take dynamic value. Hi, Our project requires value in the annotation @Schema at the runtime but swagger does not provide that feature, but when we try to give the value through an variable it give error "annotation va...Managing Multiple Auth Methods in Swagger UI Hello everyone, I'm currently working on a Laravel project and facing a challenge with defining multiple authentication types in L5-Swagger. My app uses both HTTP Bearer Token (token) and Laravel Pa...exampleSetFlag additional property I am using Swagger in my RESTEasy project. I am using the swagger-jaxrs2 version 2.1.12 Swagger UI displays GET api/{job-id} , POST api/{job-id}, DELETE api/{job-id} and GET api/restesy/{job-id} ...