ReadyAPI response appending zeroes after decimal and also printing fields values as hexadecimal
Hi I am running a Rest API in both ReadyAPI (pro version of SoapUI) and also in postman. The response pattern in json in postman valid while in ReadyAPI for some fields zeroes are appended after decimal value even for a integer type field like for example
"PackSize": 60 (this is in postman which is right)
"PackSize" : 60.0000000000000000 (this is in ReadyAPI response which is incorrect)
Also for some fields values are returned as hex decimal pattern for example
"PrivateTax" : 0E-16 (this is in ReadyAPI which is incorrect)
"PrivateTax": 0(this is in postman which is right)
I have attached json files of the responses in both postman and ReadyAPI for your reference. Am I missing any setting in ReadyAPI which is causing this issue
The version of ReadyAPI I am using is ReadyAPI 2.3.0
Build Date: 2018-03-06T16:28:42Z(433)